Aluminium Gutters are the best type of guttering for several reasons. Firstly, they are strong and don’t break or fade like PVC gutters, secondly they are made from a sustainable raw material, and finally, if you choose the correct type you will have an aluminium gutter with a 60-Year Estimated Lifespan.
So you might be thinking, is Aluminium Guttering expensive though? – Amazingly due to recent manufacturing breakthroughs with the patented Aluflow® aluminium gutter, aluminium gutters are not expensive.
We manufactured Aluflow® with this specific purpose in mind – to provide an aluminium gutter system that is almost as low cost as PVC Gutter. So you can choose Aluflow® aluminium gutter system and have the peace of mind that your gutters will last.
Aluflow® Aluminium Gutter and Downpipe System much stronger than plastic guttering for things like snow loading and stormy weather. Aluflow® Aluminium Gutter is tested for up to 50kg loads and what is also very interesting is that this load is applied to the far front edge which is the most challenging part of the gutter.
When choosing which gutter system to use it is also important to bear in mind also that in addition to the cost of the materials, you are probably looking at half of the cost coming from the cost of installation including labour and access equipment.
The installation cost will be the same price regardless of the type of guttering you choose. Therefore, we recommend that you are better to choose a Gutter and Downpipe System like Aluflow® that is going to last and so that you only have to do the job only once.
Aluminium Guttering is highly sustainable. This is because Aluminium is a naturally abundant element within the Earth’s crust so there are always vast quantities readily available. In addition, Aluflow® Aluminium Gutter is also infinitely recyclable with no additional processing, making Aluflow® aluminium guttering a completely sustainable gutter solution.
To test the quality of aluinium guttering we suggest you get a FREE Sample.
This question is important… Aluminium Gutter Systems can vary in quality and styles. So, as a initial check we recommend asking a few questions such as:
1. How Strong does the Aluminium Gutter feel?
2. Has the Gutter System Been Tested to 50kg/m?
3. Are the Brackets Fast to Install with a Rock N Lock® System?
4. Are the Brackets hidden to the back only of the gutter?
The above are only a start of the questions you may ask… so the best way is to request a Free Aluminium Gutter Sample Pack.
Our Manufacturing Team have made it really easy to get a sample of the Aluflow® Aluminium Gutter… Simply send an email to our team with “Please send me an Aluflow Sample” as the subject line and we will get a box sent to you immediately. In the email please remember to confirm your name, address, phone number and postcode so we can get the Aluflow® sample pack despatched immediately and without delay.
Choosing Aluflow® aluminium Gutter is a great investment that will save you a lot of money and hassle. In addition a high quality Aluminium Guttering System can also positively impact the desirability and value of your property.
Watch the official Aluflow Aluminium Guttering Launch here.
With the great choice you are making in choosing aluminium gutters, be sure to make sure the system you chooses has concealed gutter brackets. There’s nothing worse on a gutter installation than seeing unsightly gutter brackets showing on the front face of the gutter every 500-600mm.
The great news is that with Aluflow® you don’t need to. Thanks to Aluflow®’s patented and registered design the Gutter Brackets are concealed behind the aluminium gutters leaving a perfect aesthetically-pleasing smooth front gutter line that looks great on traditional and modern property styles.
It’s also worth noting that Aluflow® patented Rock N Lock® system allows for super-fast installation of the gutter. The Aluflow® Gutter brackets are screwed in to position along a level line and then the Aluflow® Gutter is simply Rock N Locked in to place, so that the Gutter covers over the Gutter Brackets.
Since the launch of Aluflow® Aluminium Guttering we have noticed an ongoing increase in the number of people stopping using plastic gutters, because you can now get Aluflow® for an affordable and comparable price.
Many people as saying that they doubt whether plastic guttering will be used very much in years to come. Plastic Gutter has so many weaknesses and failings that there’s no sense using it now you can get Aluflow® at an affordable price.
Choosing aluminium gutter now makes total sense as they are the same price as plastic gutter (or thereabouts) and they give you all the advantages at the right price.
Whatever your individual project needs are, our Live Chat Teams are ready to help with any queries you may have.
Why not ask for a sample today. Live Chat with our Friendly Teams.
Hello Chris, thank you for requesting a sample of our Aluflow Aluminium Guttering! We will get this arranged for you. It is a gamechanger for the guttering market so sure you will be impressed.
Reply to this commentThank you for your Aluflow Aluminium Gutter Sample Request, Phillip! Our Team will be in touch to confirm and get this arranged for you.
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Please feel free to send the free sample of Aluflow
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Thanks Abul, we will get your Aluflow Aluminium Gutter Sample pack despatched for you. We sure you will love this innovative metal guttering system!
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